Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Quinney's bush

We do try to have a bit of an adventure on our birthday's, with the level of adventure tempered according to the age of the child...... this year Becca was certain it was to be camping. Originally the plans were large, with a trip up to the north island and many many things planned... but we had much discussion and a far more managable (both financially and logistically) compromise was reached.... and on the morning of her birthday we headed off to somewhere close (ish) to Murchison- actually pretty much in the middle of nowhere.
Quinney's bush is a really neat camp ground set next to the Motueka river in amongst the most wonderful grove of baeutiful mature trees and nestled into this wonderfulness is many things to climb swing jump and slide down, it's kid paradise!! Lots of other kids around , they took their bikes and rode around and ran and swam and played all day...into the night....and the next day too... Brilliant!!!

Here she is.....already to set off for an adventure

First stop the bakery, for mince pies!! energy for our adventure

All packed up ready to go

Finally there at the camp site, time to open another present

Actually the day we got there it rained and rained and rained... we managed to get the tents up between downpours.... then at about 5pm it cleared.... so in their raincoats they were off....with much playgrounding to do....

Checking out the pig,ducks and chicken's

Totally LOVING the pig

Exploring pathways

Lots of bike riding (or bike pushing..)

Watching the goings on at the skateboard ramp, which is very serious business (apparantly)

Learning new tricks from the other boys at the scooter/ skate board ramp

Discussing the days happenings at the scooter/skateboard ramp

Stone throwing at the river

A bit of evening 'sliding' (yes the river was cold ! very cold, but that doesn't seem to worry this boy!!)

 Helping set up the fire for dinner.....

Last presents to open.....

and  marshmallow roasting ....

and breakfast in the sun next morning.... gorgeous..

Birthday cake for breakfast ....of course !!!

Cake and berries.....yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Getting as much in as she can (as always,this little girl LOVES cake)

Time for some more exploring......

Quiet times with papa..

Reviewing birthday presents with very interested little sister...

and watersliding........

Before bundling everyone up for the trip home.

1 comment:

  1. Those slides! Could either of them get any cooler?! Wish there was somewhere like this round these parts, our kids would be all over it!
