Wednesday 5 December 2012

playgrounds in the fields

Evenings at our house at the moment involve many summer time jobs, watering our landscape plantings and vegetable garden , feeding the chickens and whatever elase we can fit in these extended days of sunshine.
One job we must do ever evening is shift our goats. We shift the three mothers into a paddock away from their babies so we get milk from them in the morning.... often while doing this task I am accompanied by at least one or two children and more often than not it is the smaller two. Recently we put a whole pile of planks and cut logs in one of the paddocks for the baby goats to play on ,which they LOVE and we enjoy watching, this particular night Anton and Arwen decided they would 're-arrange' the playground and construct their own. They worked together and came up with a fantstic see-saw.
What better thing to do in a paddock on a balmy summer evening.....

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