Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Anton's dinosaurs

Anton is really into dinosaurs at the moment, I mean really really into dinosaurs... they are what he talks about and what he plays with... a lot!! (when he's not talking about space rockets )...
and today whilst he was discussing dinosaur facts to me (and me trying hard to be interested) he said I have an idea and dashed away, I got preoccupied with something of householdy nature.. I was called back by a screaming 2 year old who was most upset with her big brother, whose idea happened to involve the plasticine she was playing with......
" Dinosaur's amour" he explained....... well I guess all dinosaur need plasticine armour ...don't they??

and Arwen... well she was allowed to play with one of the 'armoured' dinosaur.. and appeared happy with the deal.. and who wouldn't be stoked to have their own armoured dinosaur to play with.

1 comment:

  1. I can tell you, from personal experience, that it is indeed a great deal of fun putting playdough/plasticine ' armour' on dinosaurs. I had a grand old time adding coats, glasses and hats to our playcentre dinos a wee while ago.. some were ladies though, of course, and they have strings of playdough pearls instead. hahah. Kids can't have alll the fun : )
