Thursday 26 July 2012



something resembling 'school'...... pattern creations....

and pictures and dreams of the boat he hopes to own one day.......


Rugby..... kicking goals out the back......

in gumboots even.....

very passionate about their rugby our the two boys right now....

the girls....well maybe not so much.... dressing up in 'princess' outfits and dancing, more Arwen's style.... (upside down princess crown's are all the rage in fairy tale land right now !!)...

...and 'reading' books...... lots and lots and lots of books are loved by this little girl right now......

..and a bit of a operatic play (complete with various characters and costumes) performed up in our loft......

our proud little performer, especially pleased with herself being allowed up in the loft with the big kids for the first time .. (she can't actually get up or down by herself, which means she's not officially allowed up, but just this one time, in the name of art).....

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